A How-To Guide To Purchase GEIST digital mixtape NFTs:


Step 1:

Visit Handcash on the web or download the mobile app to create a BSV wallet.

BSV is Bitcoin SV, the currency GEIST is built on.

Step 2:

Use Handcash to purchase BSV using a credit card or bank account.

Step 3:

Visit RelayX and create an account.

Relay is the marketplace where GEIST sells digital mixtapes and functions as a web wallet along with your Handcash.

Step 4:

Transfer some of your new BSV to the RelayX wallet.

You can use 'yournamehere'@relayx.io as the recepient.

Step 5:

You can now browse the RelayX marketplace and purchase as you see fit.

Our releases can be found HERE.

Thank you for your continued patronage!

Acquiring even a single tape will grant access to future GEIST and WORLDBUILDER projects.

We're glad to have you : )

After purchase, make sure to try Jamify to stream your newly purchased release.